To add a new package;
- Go to the ‘My Website’ page located on the left hand menu.
If you upgraded from a Free Account or never set up a website, you will need to set that up now.
- Now, scroll to the ‘Packages’ section.
- Then, click the ‘Add new package’ box.
- Enter all information for the details of the package.
When entering the service price, only include numerical values. Symbols and text are not accepted. The description can be used if you need to include specific pricing or service offering information.
- To complete the package, you must add an item under the ‘Deliverables’ section. This area outlines what the client is actually receiving within the package.
To start;
- Click ‘Add new item’
- Enter the item count; for example, you could enter 10 if that’s how many images are included in the package (enter numerical values only).
- Then, type the name of the deliverable (i.e., Aerial Images).
- Click the purple checkmark to add the deliverable or the red X if you want to delete the deliverable.
- Once all deliverables are added, press ‘Create’
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